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Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory

UPDATE June 2024: A new preprint is available outlining further evaluation of the CATI in 1000+ sample of autistic adults, with additional analyses examining differences between diagnosed and self-identifying autistic adults, between genders (including those identifying as gender diverse), and between different age groups.

This paper also outlines several small changes to item and subscale wording to improve interpretation and reduce negative phrasing following consultation with an autistic focus group. These changes will be included in the materials on this website when the pre-print is eventually published.

The Comprehensive Autistic Trait Inventory, or CATI, is a self-report questionnaire that provides a valid measure of autistic traits in adults in the general population.

It contains 42 statements that span six different areas, or 'dimensions', associated with autism. When it is completed, the total-scale score provides an overall measure of autistic traits, and six subscale scores each provide a measure of autistic traits in a specific area or dimension. The six subscales include:

The CATI was primarily developed for use by researchers interested in quantifying autistic traits within members of the general population. It is currently NOT clinically-validated and therefore not advised to be used as an assessment tool for diagnosing autism.

The questionnaire was designed and psychometrically evaluated by reseachers at the University of Western Australia (UWA), with input from collaborators at Telethon Kids Institute and the University of British Columbia. The initial items and factors were developed in collaboration and consultation with other autism researchers and clinicians, and autistic individuals at UWA.

The Open Access manuscript outlining the development and validation of the CATI in detail can be accessed at Molecular Autism.

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This project was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project government grant (DP190103286) and the University of Western Australia.